After working 14 hours yesterday plus a two hour round-trip commute, I was exhausted when I got home, but waiting for me was a package from Angelika! Six beautiful skeins of "Blue Topaz" Cascade 220. I did a little happy dance (Jason started laughing at me) and ripped open the box. My little happy dance turned into a full-blown victory dance when I saw the yarn and that it MATCHES!

I don't know if Angelika knows about this scarf or blog, but I owe her BIG time for matching the yarn and taking the time to personally make sure my order was well put together. We almost had real-time email conversations about finding this yarn and one has to appreciate that kind of customer service.
Currently I'm working on a new website. I'll be transferring the Mario Scarf Blog over there as well as adding a general craft/personal blog. I like Blogger, but I need a little bit more control over various elements of the blog. Stay tuned in the next week or so to see what happens...
I leave you this afternoon with pictures from my journey into nature at the Chattahoochee Nature Center this morning.

That's exciting about the yarn!
I'm glad you're moving to a new website - blogger is okay I guess, but I loathe reading blogs on it, because of the difficult commenting process. Looking forward to seeing the new site!
Great pics, and congratulations on the yarn, that's awesome... and I will be following your work and blog when you move sites! Take care!
hooray on finding your color!!
Yay for awesome yarn ladies! :)
Being the geek-knitter that you are (as many of us are), it only makes sense to move to a platform you have more control over. Your work (the blog, in this instance) just isn't the piece of work you set out to create if it isn't all you want it to be.
Hi, yes I started reading your blog. So I'll be watching your progress!!
I use Google reader, and I have a google blog as well. I use tables inside my blog. But if you move, make sure you let me know where you went to!!
and, of course,
wow ! what a blog
fantastic blog.
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