Sunday, August 10, 2008

Meeting Crafty Friends in the Neighborhood

A big shout-out to Dave, Amy, Lori, Wendy, San, and Kevin who met up at Joe's Coffee in East Atlanta to talk, craft, and drink coffee. Joe's is my new favorite coffee place since moving to East Atlanta- they have one of the best cafe au laits I've ever had and I was born in New Orleans. That's sayin' something.

A variety of crafts were represented this afternoon. Lori busted out her animal quilt and was hand-stitching the border.

Wendy started making a felt corndog and Amy worked on a huge crochet afghan throw. Dave busted out all these awesome fabrics (he's got a hook-up with a company that makes heavy-duty bags, or something along those lines) and cool Japanese pattern books.

Dave took some pictures when I unfurled the scarf onto a table and that's when we realized we both had sweet, sweet Nikons. So we took a picture of each other taking a picture of each other. Like cool people do in such situations.

This is the only picture you get of me because I look weird in all pictures. Maybe I'll get one of my photog friends to take a decent picture of me with the scarf sometime. Until then, bask in the glory of my ridiculously huge forehead. (By the way, this picture belongs to Dave Coustan.)

The wait for the yarn is excruciating, which is why I love yarn stores so much - instant gratification. I'm doing my best to be patient. I've been spinning yarn to keep my hands busy before frogging furiously. I ordered several colors in hopes of finding a match. I mean, the colors might look the same on the computer, but it won't matter until I see them in person side by side.

Also, I'm hoping most of you know about this already, but if you have a Google account, you can read your blog list in Google Reader. You just copy and paste the pages and will get the feeds whenever new posts are made. I'm sure a lot of you already know about this, but a friend mentioned that some people don't. It makes blog-reading a streamlined experience, especially if you read a gazillion blogs like I do.

It's back to the daily grind tomorrow and for most Georgians public school starts tomorrow as well. If you have anything to do with that, hope you have a great day! My boyfriend has his law school orientation tomorrow after he gets off the plane from Japan so think happy thoughts for him so that he can stay awake.

And for the people who won a little prize from me about the knitted binary message, here's a little preview of your prize package:


Andi Rockz said...

Hey! I'm in East Atlanta, will you be meeting up again soon? :-)

Cassie said...

There is talk of future get-togethers. Maybe out and about, maybe at someone's house. Check for an update.

Jennifer Walsh said...

What a heartwarming post! It's amazing to connect with like-minded crafty souls in the neighborhood. Don't forget to share some crafting tips and maybe even exchange "UsePromos" for your next creative shopping spree!

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Your blog is a beacon of knowledge and insight. The way you tackle complex subjects with such clarity and depth is truly impressive. Keep up the fantastic work!
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