The pictures were taken for a popular video gaming magazine that I don't want to reveal until the issue comes out. I'm sure their piece on it will take up a fourth of a page, but my boyfriend's eyes nearly popped out of his head when I told him the name of the magazine, so I'm going to wait. It might not even be in the issue, but we only have to wait until late September/early October to find out. I took the pics exclusively for this magazine and I'm only going to post one, but I wanted it to be one of the whole scarf thus far. So here you go:

A lot of flack I get in threads around the net focuses on the lack of detail. Like I said in the FAQ post (a link to it can be found on the right) I plan on adding all the details in at the end. And it looks all wavy and weird because I used painter's tape to make it stick to the carpet so that the sides wouldn't curl under. But yeah, there it is in all it's scarfy glory.
Lookin' good!
6 or 8 feet, the scarf looks like its shaping up nicely. Hope you resolve your blue yarn issue soon so you can knit on in peace! It's cool to watch your progress.
I'm about 98% sure I know which magazine you are referring to : )
how cool is that?! I can't wait to see which magazine it's going to be in.
I think your scarf might end up longer than a doctor who scarf (and much more interesting as far as knitting is concerned).
Really awesome! It's turning out great!
CTJen- The Tom Baker scarf is a classic, though!
I am coveting your scarf big time—it's awesome!
Um... isn't the wall on the LEFT?
final ellipsis- HAHA oh man. Good call.
the scarf is published! Nintendo Power
Very Nice Blog
wow ! what a blog
This is so great! I just happened to find your blog on by surfing through it and Iam really amazed!
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