Onto the bad news.... the yarn came in the mail today. I ordered four different shades of blue. None of them match. I put the colors on them so you could see that although they look similar in the images from Cascade, they look different in real life. So I'm back to the drawing board here.

And now I return the yarn I got and buy 4 more colors in the quest for the ultimate Mario Scarf Blue. New Knitters, beware of my mistakes and SAVE YOUR YARN LABELS!
I highly recommend talking to a yarn store that carries Cascade 220 and seeing if you can order a color card to match your yarn to. It'll save you a ton in shipping (and time!), unless you get lucky in that next set of four skeins...
i just stumbled on this and was upset to find out you had to pause. and now more bad news. lame.
any chance of pictures of the work in progress?
Karen- you're brilliant. What a good idea.
It's possible, and I hate to say this, that one of the very-similar-yet-not-quite-right colors could very well be the same color, just from a different dye lot. I've tried to purchase the exact same color to finish a project before, and you can almost always tell the difference between one dyelot and the next. I suppose the lesson is really to not only save your labels, but to buy enough yarn to complete your project. I hope that's not the case for you, though!
Really sorry to hear about this. Although I'm no knitter (I tried to learn once - it didn't work out well for anyone concerned) this is the exact reason I don't paint - getting colours to match drives me insane! That said, you seem to have learnt a valuable lesson (keeping your labels) and you have a good platform to pass that on to others. So you're performing a public service - that's something, surely :)
Anyway, good luck with the rest of the project, hope you get through this snag as quickly and painlessly as possible. And I loved your method of motivation - a subject close to my heart!
try 9806 or 9807, I think they might be closer
the dye lot is part of the problem, if you get a different lot, the color can be just off, but I think you should be able to match it fairly closely
You can probably also get a color card from wherever you're ordering the yarn from. Otherwise knitpicks will probably help you out.
I'm still betting on 8906. Do I get a cookie for being the only one to suggest that color if I'm right?
Wow! Brilliant idea. When you’re done with it, why don’t you wear it with scarf rings. They make your knits look more presentable.
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